• Awards

cable trays in headquarters


M.C. Dean was awarded a National Award of Merit in Lighting Control Innovation by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) for the lighting control system installed on the five newly renovated floors at the company’s Tysons, Virginia, headquarters. The Lighting Control Innovation Award recognizes lighting projects that exemplify the effective use of lighting controls. Since 1906, the IES has sought to improve the lighted environment by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that knowledge into actions that benefit the public.

office space at HQ“We designed the lighting around the ideas of the Vitruvian principles of functionality, durability, and beauty,” said Justin Hicks, director of corporate development. “It showcases the values and outstanding work M.C. Dean has been doing for both our employees and customers.”

The most innovative feature of the design was the integration of smart sensors in the light fixtures and conveyance systems in the space. The previous wiring in the building was completely removed and custom features were fabricated to hide the new wiring and create an aesthetically pleasing design. The sensors reduced power consumption from 41 percent of the projects’ documented baseline requirement and up to an additional 40 percent per luminaire through light level tuning. Almost 92 percent of the office is covered with daylight responsive controls, and nearly 95 percent of that space includes occupancy controls.