• Corporate Announcement

In 2021, our company established the Women at M.C. Dean group to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for all women, regardless of their professional field or geographic location. Officially chartered in May 2022, Women at M.C. Dean organizes activities that focus on recruiting, peer support, mentorship, collaboration, and philanthropy.


Mentoring and learning

One of the group’s main objectives for the year was to foster an inclusive and supportive environment that enables the continued learning and development of the female community at M.C. Dean. In support of this initiative, Women at M.C. Dean hosts virtual coffee chats where employees discuss topics such as stress management, self-defense, and financial wellness. More than 350 people attended coffee chats in 2022.

Recruiting new talent

This year, Women at M.C. Dean built partnerships with the Society of Women Engineers at George Washington University (GW​), University of Virginia (UVA), and George Mason University (GMU), supporting M.C. Dean’s commitment to a diverse workforce. As a result of these partnerships, the group was also able to hold recruiting panels at each institution – reaching young female professionals and growing our brand.

Socializing and building camaraderie

Women at M.C. Dean strives to strengthen the bonds of the female community at M.C. Dean, providing regional social and networking events. The group convened in the Washington Metro area for a March Madness happy hour, concert, and a Washington Nationals game. The Stuttgart chapter organized a wine-tasting event and a Christmas market outing. Our colleagues in California coordinated a picnic and crocheting event. In Colorado, Women at M.C. Dean gathered for a cooking class.

Supporting our community

 Aspiring to impact the world around us positively, Women at M.C. Dean organized several volunteering events this past year. Volunteer opportunities are open to all M.C. Dean employees and their families, regardless of gender. The group led five meal-packing events with the Capital Area Food Bank, resulting in over 2,300 boxes of non-perishable food for individuals and families who suffer from food insecurity. This past October, the group led M.C. Dean employees across the United States to participate in the St. Jude Walk/Run, raising $8,690 for children’s cancer research. In December, the group organized M.C. Dean’s corporate sponsorship of Wreaths Across America -resulting in the donation of 330 wreaths and almost 70 employees volunteering to place the wreaths in honor of our fallen veterans at national cemeteries in Virginia, Maryland, and Florida.

About M.C. Dean

M.C. Dean is Building Intelligence®. We design, build, operate, and maintain cyber-physical solutions for the nation’s most recognizable mission critical facilities, secure environments, complex infrastructure, and global enterprises. The company’s capabilities include electrical, electronic security, telecommunications, life safety, automation and controls, audio visual, and IT systems. M.C. Dean is headquartered in Tysons, Virginia, and employs more than 7,000 professionals who engineer and deploy automated, secure, and resilient power and technology systems; and deliver the management platforms essential for long-term system sustainability.